Thursday, 23 January 2014

47 RoNin

  I watched '47 Ronin' on last Saturday, 18/1. I was so exciting and happy because the trailer was so nice and awesome. Most importantly, it included a lot of fighting scene during the trailer. So I assumed this must be an superb good action movie. Well, every story begins with a brief introduction, then rising action, climax, falling action and to denouement. Anyway, I am not giving any review on this movie but I am interested with the story behind this movie, the '47 Ronin'. A tale that came from Japan. Before I knew about ‘47 Ronin', all I know about Japan's samurai are they are good in playing swords, they are swift and have a high dignity and self-respect. However, after i watched this movie, the loyalty that the ronin had shown was really surprised me. They are willing to revenge for their lord even though they knew they gonna be sentenced to death by the Shogun. Even if you are survive, you will still be sentenced to death. I respect and salute the spirit that they had shown as a samurai and ronin.

  Link it back to the reality now, how many people are willing to show such loyalty to your country or organization anymore? I am not talking about sacrifice yourself for your country or organization but just to be more concern about it. People in this century tend to complain more than appreciate. Even we have a better environment, we are still not yet satisfied and do not appreciate. I guess we should have been more grateful about what we have although that might not be the best. Yeah, for me this story is to remind the society about the importance of loyalty, no matter to your country, superior, parents and etc.

Source: Rinsch, C. (Director) (2013). 47 ronin trailer [Web]. Retrieved from

Reference: F.W.S. (n.d.). The 47 ronin. Retrieved from

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